Thursday, 9 June 2011

Pricing and cost the full story = £15.25 (20 Post Cards), 

       Ravensbourne Printing = £15 (15 A2 Prints),

       The royal Gallery = £70 mounted and packaged of A2 Prints (15 Prints)

       Sales - Profit Made / (Total Sales) = Ceri - £39.99 / clare - £29.99 / Adrian – 49.98 / Liz £15.99 Tara - £39.99 Nicola - £39.99. 

       £100 wedding photography fee.
Please refer to my blog to view a clear representation of my Budget.

Pros and Cons of Exhibition experience.


  • Great experience
The experience was extremely beneficial and I feel I have learn't a lot from the exhibition. I learnt the types of process that u need to make an exhibition successful, such as promotion, marketing, identifying your target audience. Pricing, all vital points to make a business successful. I felt the photos that I picked were strong and had a lot of impact, I also made many sheets providing information about my self and the nature of the exhibition.

  • encouragement from peoples comments
I had a lot of positive comments stating that they enjoyed the exhibition and which photos they particularly liked.

  • Organisation making things happen 
I had to spend a great deal of time staying on track arranging meetings, calling up framing businesses, working out cost, dates when I could actually set and exhibition in the time frame. I felt it went well I had a small book which I logged all information down in, and I later put this into my blog as memory map. Its encouraging that I actually got an exhibition space and have had some interest in the sales. 


  • Not a great location
I could have done with being in a higher profile location such as London, however I managed to secure a space free of charge through some negotiations. The fees would have been far higher to hold a space in London.

  • Marketing
I would have like to pay some money to put my exhibition in the new shopper and inform the public to a larger level, this could have been done with leaflets through doors. I could have had a large stand in Bromley High street. I could have also set up a space in The college. However I did create posters, information guides, biography pages, as well as a large poster and an event on facebook which attracted many visitors.

  • Conclusion
Overall I found the experience exciting and I learnt new skills, I learnt the steps of how to set up an exhibition. The next step is getting in contact with other galleries across London. 

Friday, 3 June 2011

Evidence of Exhibition.

I was proud of the exhibition, The work was displayed with plenty of space to appreciate the individual photos displayed. 

It was a great achievement to see my photos blown up to a large scale, The colours and visuals were striking and the images stood out clearly against the dark black foam board. It was my first exhibition and I had learnt a great dea.

Evidence of conformation email

Hi David
Just to confirm our conversation earlier today.
Our exhibitor has cancelled for the 1-15 June period here in the library, so you will now be able to hang your artwork on any of the screens available.  You can use as many or as few as you like – just make it look good!  You will need to set up after 12:00 noon on Wednesday, but you can keep it up there until Saturday 11 June.
Don’t forget you want to make an A4 size poster so we can display it outside in the windows. 
Unfortunately I’m away until the 13th of June, so I won’t be able to see your exhibition, and I am really sorry about that.  I will ask one of my colleagues to take a few photos.
Jenny O’Leary – she is the other person who handles exhibitions here.  She is in on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.  Her number is 020 8461 7184, and her email address is   If you need some help with getting a poster done, Jenny can probably help you.
Ian Cox – he is the fellow I introduced you to who sits in the same office as I do.  He will get you sorted on Wednesday afternoon.  His number is 020 8461 7179.
You can drive in to the Library loading bay (which is off Tetty Way – map attached) with your artwork and leave it there while you set up.  You can only leave your car for about an hour and a half and then you’ll have to go park at The Hill Car Park if you need to.
One thing you need to be aware of is that you leave everything at your own risk.  Although we do have CCTV, it doesn’t always prevent thefts from the library.  The staff won’t be able to watch so don’t leave anything valuable around.
The information that you gave me below is good, but I haven’t got time to get it up on our website.  So maybe do a page with this information and include a photo of either you or your artwork, make a few copies and leave them on the table.   Make sure you mention everywhere that you’re a student at Ravensbourne College .  It looks good for you and for us.
I hope it all goes well for you.
Liz Heel
Support Services Manager
Culture, Libraries and Leisure Division
Tel: (020) 8461 7241
Fax: (020) 8313 9975 

From: David Legge []
Sent: 27 May 2011 11:09
To: Heel, Liz
Subject: David Legge (Student) Photography - Exhibition, Tuesday till friday
Hi Liz,

I am just providing some information about my self.

David was born in the United Kingdom and from an early age, discovered that art was the perfect medium of expression.

After progressing through GCSE’s and a level’s, he went on to study foundation of Art and Design at Central Saint Martins and achieved merit. At present he is completing his BA in animation at Ravensbourne College of Design of Communication.

As well as having a deep fascination for art, he also enjoys photography and further developed these skills when he, decided to take a gap year and travelled around Asia on his own for four months. In this Gap year he fully explored his interest in other cultures experiencing historic temples, unusual customs, overwhelming hospitality and wild landscapes. The trip changed his outlook on life and confirmed that the world was truly inspiring, contrasting and ultimately fascinating.

David will carry on seizing every opportunity and continuing to develop his artistic and photographic skills.

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Business cards

I could have benefited by having business cards. this would allow people to directly connect them selves from the gallery to my other work.

I am currently in the process of designing a business card. 

Post Cards

I thought it would be a good way to make some money at a small cost.

Using I spent £10 and purchased 20 post cards. The post cards provide mini versions of my images. 

Exhibition Ifromation

I thought it would be beneficial to create a biography, providing some brief but insightful information about my self. 

The second sheet provides information regrading the exhibition and the nature of my project, it also advertises my college. 

Print names and Information

I labeled each picture to give them a stronger sense of identity. I also created a code sheet which made it very simple for people to order them. 

Price List old and Updated

I had to make a price list, and name each picture, I separated each picture from mounted and unmounted. 

I felt this price guide was over loaded with information, so therefore re designed it and had three different sizes that people could chose from , I also reduced the prices since it is the bromley library you have to question how much people will be willing to spend. I think if I had chosen a more high profile location I could have made more money. 

Order Forms

I wanted to make an order form so that people could potentially buy my art. I made sure it was simple and easy to understand. 

This allowed people to clearly right down their orders.

Creating An exhibition Poster.

This is my original poster idea, the picture is from singapore and I applied a filter from photoshop, my original concept was to have the buddha image very bright so people were drawn into it. however it looked to dark, the font was also not working.

The second image was a lot stronger, I applied a blur filter to the background and changed the font. I still needed and Title.

This final Image was a lot stronger, I had a title which explained the nature of the exhibition and I had researched various exhibition posters and included similar information to mine. 

Project Plan


I decided that I would hold an Exhibition, I have had an interest in photography for some years now and I wanted to incorporate one of my passions which is the study of diverse cultures and include this as part of my exhibition. 

Therefore my exhibition will demonstrate the essence of Asian culture. The photos were taken during my gap year where I traveled around Asia for four months. 

I began by working out how much it would cost to print my pictures and I questioned what Size should I print them at. I got price guides from snappy snaps, la foto and ravensbourne university. It turned out that it would be to costly to use these companies. Ravensbourne printing was a cheap alternative and the image quality was good and the cost low. as little as one pund per print on A2 size. 

To improve my project I should have contacted Artists who have had experience in setting up galleries, they could provide vital information on how print and they right way to display your art or photos. 

It would have also been beneficial to have had my exhibition in a more high profile gallery such as London once again, I would of had to invest more time and effort to do this. It is something I will look into in the future. 

Progress Map

I thought It would be a good Idea to Create A progress Map, explaining my thought process. 

My research began with the internet and the contacted people and eventually setting up an exhibition.

  • The first step that I decided to take was to find out where I could hold an exhibition. I called up the Bromley council and the Beckenham Hall. The Beckenham Hall was charging rates of £15 an hour
  • I asked them a number of questions, am I allowed to sell my prints there, what dates can I host an exhibition, how much they charge.
  • I also when brainstorming wrote down a number of points which I should consider, where to print? where to host the exhibition? Can I use some of the money I made from a family wedding for this project? Possible business's to use, Snappy Snaps, La Foto , Call A renowned Photographer Duncan Raban, Prices how much should I see them for? Call local councils? Cost of Large Prints,Make sure I get companies number and details to contact.
  • Bromley council Number (0208,464,3333) - (Exhibition) - central Library (0208,460,9955) - (Ripley Art Society around Bromley (0208,461,7241)
  •  Pick 10- 12 best Photos, I need a date? main Contact Liz heele I have arranged a meeting to see her at 10:00am Monday.
  • My exhibition will begin on the 1st of June, I can show her my work in the meeting. meet her at Bromley Library 7th floor side office. (bring laptop)
  • It would be good to contact some more high profile (London Galleries) E and E Deadline 10th of June
  • Decided to go with the bromley library exhibition, running out of time, David Legge Ravesnbourne Student (Tuesday the 31st may)  Big Night Thursday (how do I publicize it?)
  • Advertise, make sure you invest enough time to advertise correctly
  • Jake contact my framer how much will he charge to mount my work?
  • Cost how much will it amount to? how much should I spend how much do I hope to make?
  • Each Picture Size?

  • Where can I find Post cards to print ?
  • 24 X postcards
  • 1 X Shanghai on Canvas A2 - 1 X Shanghai on Print A2 - 1 X Hong Kong Boat A3 print 
  • 1 X Samurai A5 Print - 1 X Buddha Statue A4 Print - 1 X Thai Beach A3 Print - 1 X Thai Portrait Sea A3 Print - 1 X Tibet Landscape A3 Print - 1 X China Great wall A3 Print - 1 X Japan Fountain A3 Print.
  • Print Costs? 
  • Costs So far - £15 on prints (all prints were done at College) 
  • Post Card Pricing £10.19 for 20 post cards.
  • Business cards - £10.99 (exc.vat)
  •   Snappy Snaps printing costs? - Canvas A2 prints? 18X22 = A2 in size
  • Snappy Snaps A2 Canvas = £90 to much money - A3 canvas costs £60 dimension = 12X8
  • la foto an alternative A2 = £60 a lot cheaper then snappy Snaps A3 = £45.
  • How much do I want to spend? 
  • Gallery Seventeen local gallery, costs, 15X  A3 prints £7.46 each discounted to $6.15 Total £90

E & E The Project What do we have to do?

Enterprise and Entrepreneurship - Making it happen, gives students the chance to create an entrepreneurial endeavor and ultimately make some money.

In the Level 3 project, you will come up with a business idea and carry out an enterprise.  The enterprise can be based on a hobby / interest, based on a business opportunity you have stumbled upon or related to your course.

·       There has to be actual trade- money switching hands or procurement agreement (/contract) signed- before summative assessment
·       You are responsible for making sure you have the appropriate licenses, that your enterprise is legal, morally acceptable and in line with college regulations.
·       Any monetary investments need to be discussed with a tutor and an exit strategy devised.

Key Dates
  • 19th of Paril 1:30 - 4 : Introduction to unit and Project
  • 28th of April:Deadline for Project Plan- Hand In.
  • 17th of May 9:30 -12, 1:30-4    (Formative assessment/Tutorials
  • 10th of June 9:30-12. 1:30-4 (Summative Assessment/Tutorials
  • 13th June Deadline Final Submissions of Project Report
Summative Presentation - Friday 10th June 2011
Complettion/upload of Project Plan/submission - 13th June 2011